Welcome to KARTA Online!
We are a grassroots association for producers, researchers, and agriculture industry leaders who share a common desire to keep up with trends in production agriculture.
The Kansas Ag Research & Technology Association (KARTA) is an organization of innovative people who share a common desire to learn more about production agriculture. The non-profit organization uses its revenues to provide grants to facilitate on-farm research projects and instructional workshops on the hardware and software necessary to conduct research trials. Our goal is to keep our members and the agricultural industry on the forefront of new technology!
On-Farm Research Grants
Proceeds from KARTA's winter conference and other annual programs help provide on-farm research grant funding to producers throughout the Midwest. Only KARTA members have the opportunity to apply for research funding, and one of the highlights of our annual conference is hearing reports from the previous year's researchers. Just another way that KARTA is helping YOU stay at the cutting edge of your operation. Learn from others doing it!
Benefits of Becoming a KARTA Member
Opportunity to associate with others with similar interests
FREE or reduced admission fees for all KARTA workshops and seminars
Reduced cost to attend KARTA's winter conference
Reservation preference and advance notice to future KARTA events
Voting rights at all KARTA meetings
Funds underwrite on-farm research grant program
Opportunity to apply for on-farm research grants